October 16, 2006

A surprise package for my birthday......

When I got home from work tonight, there was a mysterious package at my front door. It had no return address on it, just my name and address scrawled on an envelope taped on top. I immediately suspected my friend Kitty - it would be just like her to go out of her way and do something incredibly thoughtful on my birthday. I peeked in the envelope but it was empty inside. My mind was racing. I didn't even want to take the time to travel five steps to the kitchen to get the scissors to rip through the package's tape. I decided to use my teeth instead. Ripping through the tape I found inside......drum roll.....my purse that I lost Oct. 6th!! Someone had dropped it in the mailbox and the kind people at Canada Post sent it my way. Every piece of ID and my credit cards were inside! And, my prized possession, a smooth black stone that I have been carrying around since I was a little girl, is now safely back in my hands. I am so happy that this package arrived on my birthday. I feel like I got my identity back. I am taking this is a great sign of the year ahead. xoxo

1 comment:

curious cat said...

holy shizer girl! i just opened up your blog right now and i'm soooo flippen happy for you!

this is a sign!