October 10, 2006

Boston Baby!

I am a proud sista! We just got the news that my beautiful and amazingly athletic sister-in-law just qualified for the Boston Maraton this weekend!Clocking in at 3:45:30 during the Okanagan International Marathon, Karen completely shattered her Vancouver Marathon time of 4:26:09 from earlier this year. To shave off so much time in such a short period is almost unheard of. I talked to Karen on Friday night, before Sunday's run - she was coughing up a lung - sounding more like her nose should be running, not her feet.

I know how gruelling it was just doing a half marathon - we trained for months and pushed our bodies to the limit. I have tremendous respect for those who condition their minds and bodies to go the distance -especially those who attempt marathons. Karen has found her passion and is proving to be extremely talented at it. We're so proud of you Karen! xoxo

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