October 06, 2006

Lesson Learned

This is a note for all the women who carry purses or the metrosexuals who carry "man-bags" often passed off as "totes" - beware of the contents you pack around.

Tonight I had to report my purse as "lost" to the police - but that is simply because they didn't have a "forgot-in-a-moment-of-complete-and-utter-idiocy" phone number. Caught up in my uber-enthusiasm to present Smiley with a gift I got him after work, I saw him pull up and I leapt into the car. It didn't even occur to me that my purse wasn't among the bags I had in hand. It didn't occur to me until we got home, one hour later. That's when I did the crazy search of the car. I checked under the seat, under the floor mats, in the glove box, in the trunk (as if I had hopped in the car and somehow placed my purse simultaneously in the trunk.) I miss her already. My purse has only been gone for two hours and I'm already personifying it. But, I have to just laugh at my utter dorkiness and hope that some hobo is having the Friday night of his life. The hobo will be particularly delighted to discover that I was proactive enough to fill my purse with extra cash for the weekend ahead. Good times! I carry a tiny ounce of hope that a good samaritan will find my purse and call me with the wonderful news. But then I wake up and realize that a purse left on a park bench is pretty much equivalent to a guy shouting, "who wants some free money? anyone? hellooo....free money, over here!"

So, long story short, here's some tips the cops gave me: Do not carry anything in your purse other than ID and an interact card or credit card (if you're one of those like me who carry it for emergency purposes only-wink wink). Do not carry your keys in your purse - if someone steals your purse, then they have your ID and have access to your home/car. Do not carry your SIN card/Birth certificate/Passport, etc in your purse - these cards are not necessary for you to tote around on a daily basis. I wish I didn't have to lose my purse to write this up......but I'm hoping to help someone else out with this lesson learned. Just payin' it forward people!

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