October 29, 2006

Sex&The City

When the Kitty, Ker, Forbes and I get together, it reminds me of Sex & The City - except that we all pretty much turn into Samantha after a few martinis. The girls surprised me with an evening out on the town for my 34th birthday. We kicked off the night at Sanafir, a funky tapas spot on Granville. Nic, Pat and JT joined in on the fun as we sampled prawn, chicken and beef trio dishes and knocked back Kama Sutra cocktails. Ker and I brilliantly concluded that the drinks needed an extra shot of vodka, which may or may not be directly linked to our new-found interest in smoking Nic's cigarettes after dinner. That's right, we laugh in the faces of those who say you get wiser as you get older. After sufficiently horrifying the staff with our saucy photo sessions, we all weaved through the halloween-costumed crowds on the city streets and headed into the Republic because hey, we needed more cocktails and more photo ops! It was another funky venue, complete with high ceilings and cascading chandeliers. Strangely enough though, the DJ ignored the club's modern stylings and served up bad vintage like Bob Segar and Guns and Roses. I think Pat summed it up best - old W music. We still managed to dance up a storm -inspired by just being together and perhaps, the steady stream of cosmopolitans pumping through us. I giggle when I think of the table of baby boomers seated next to us in the club. They looked dumbfounded by our creative use of Kitty's digi-cam. Later, when Ker, Nic and I were huddled outside of the club, protecting our cigarettes from the rain, a girl approached us wondering if we knew where she could get cocaine. I had to giggle thinking, oh good, this is the vibe we're giving off now. Perhaps she thought I was on something because I was (very awkwardly) smoking in the October rain wearing a tank top. I like how Nic answered her by saying, "Cocaine? No, sorry, not around here." As if had she asked us maybe a few blocks away, we could have been of more assistance. We waded back through the rain to Forbes' pad and the girls surprised me with a set of luggage for my upcoming trip to New Orleans. I was so overwhelmed by the entire evening's generosity. From start to finish, the company and the night's energy were infectious. I think we're all a little thankful Kitty's camera battery died by the end of the night, or there could have been some embarassing moments captured! Shivering under a thin blanket on Forbes' couch I looked over at Ker- I had to laugh because her air mattress was really just for show- it was completely deflated and she pretty much slept on the hardwood floor all night, suffering from the (deflated) bed spins. So, although at that moment we didn't look as glamorous as we had felt throughout the evening, it was a fabulous night! I am definitely one of the lucky ones. My wealth is the people in my life and Kitty, Ker, Forbes, JT, Nic & Pat made me feel like a million bucks that night and I can't thank them enough.

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