October 03, 2006

The best gift I ever received......

One year I gave my grandma a blank journal and asked her to write about what it was like growing up through the depression and war. I wanted to know about life on the prairies and what it felt like to grow up with so many siblings. I just finished reading the last pages of her book and know that in my hands I hold a treasure. It is without a doubt the greatest gift I have ever received. She took the time to write her history for me. Tears rolled down my cheeks as she talked about falling in love with my grandpa and raising the joy of her life - my mom. I was so excited to read about her personal accounts of what life was like in the depression and how they lived off the land through unforgiving prairie winters. They never complained. They always took stock in what they had - each other. Even when they were all piled into a two bedroom home with no bathroom to speak of, they worked hard as a team. Her life was summarized by the people she met and the fun adventures they endured together. In modern society, too much time is spent commuting, punching the clock, rushing around to nowhere in particular. But in fact, when we look back, it's the time we spend with friends and family that matters the most. I can't wait to have tea with her today. She's my hero. She lives on her own, is 95 and totally self sufficient. Maybe all those survival skills from her younger years have made her the strong woman she is today.
So lesson learned from all of this - slow down, make time for those you love.....and savor every delicious moment of it.

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