November 03, 2006

Bon Voyage!

Tomorrow at the crack of dawn, I'm flying to New Orleans to help with the Louisiana rebuild project. I know it's only a week, but I'm hoping it will be a life changing experience. I can't wait to meet my fellow Canadian teammates, learn some skills and get my hands dirty. I just wanted to write this little note to thank all of my friends and family for their calls and messages of support. I will take a tonne of photos, journal the experience and try to write to you from the road if there's an opportunity. Life is all about new experiences and pushing ourselves out of our comfort zone. I've never travelled on my own before and can't wait to see how the adventure unfolds. There's a little expression I like: Know your limits, not so you can honor them, but so you can smash them to pieces and reach for magnificence. Have a wonderful week and I'll post some entries about the experience when I return. Peace & Love.

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