December 11, 2006

New Christmas Present....

This year I received my first Digital Camera. I am so excited to have my gift a little early to document the Christmas holidays. Thank you Smiley! There sure is something to be said about feeling like a kid when you get a new toy. I'm downright giddy knowing that I have a few days off to play with my new little camera. I've always had a film camera and have been one of those geeks who develops all their holiday photos the first day back from a trip, simply because I cannot wait to see how they turn out. Okay, that may not be the only reason I'm a geek. I just know I'm going to drive my friends nuts with this. They are going to feel like they're hanging with the paparazzi. The dog and cat are already letting out big sighs when they see my lunging for my camera. Check back in a week and I'll post my week in images. Say Cheese(ball)!

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