December 27, 2006

Good News!!

While celebrating my mom's birthday, my brother and his lovely wife Shannon passed my mom a gift to open - inside was an adorable baby t-shirt with "happy birthday grandma" written on the front. I burst into tears and hugged them - so excited that my baby brother is going to be a dad. It's hard to believe this is the same guy that used to give me face washes or hold my head under water in the tub. I know they are going to be amazing parents. Needless to say, it was a hard act to follow. Watching my mom open the earrings I bought her after she got her "grandma" baby-t was quite funny. I was trying to hype up my gift, "hey mom, did you know the earrings are from France!" I can't wait to meet Greg & Shannon's baby in August. We're all going to spoil him or her with love. I've got my fingers crossed that the baby has Shannon's smile and Greg's white man's 'fro.

Gumption: Courage, spunk and guts. That's what Kitty has in spades. Not only have I been impressed by her resounding resilience over the last challenging year she's faced - I have found her to be one of my most inspiring friends. I couldn't be more proud to find out that she's been promoted to day trader in our glamourous energy biz! She downplays her successes but I am so proud of her. I have witnessed her intellect and resourcefulness first-hand whether it's at work, at home or getting us into Sundance closing parties! Way to go Kitty! We'll definitely plan a night out with Ker and Forbes and treat you to a celebratory dinner

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