December 30, 2006

A New Year

I always get excited before a new year. It's a wonderful chance for renewal and setting new goals. It's a year of "unknowns" that I can't wait to see unfold. Here are my highlights from 2006 (in no particular order): Sundance Film Festival, Maui, New Orleans, running my first half marathon, buying my first home, having all family & friends healthy, weekend getaways at Whistler & Boyer, finding out my brother & Shannon are going to have a baby, taking photography & creative writing classes, seeing Martin Sexton live in Utah, having my good friends bounce back wonderfully after starting the year in heartbreak.

We're entering the year of '007 - the year of Bond. It's time to toss back a few martinis (shaken, not stirred), drive our cars like they're Aston Martins, and show the world that we've got balls!
Here are my resolutions for 2007 - I thought if I posted them, I'd be on the hook to stick to them.

-build confidence & push through fears (2007 will have big news)
-get something published
-maintain good health - eat right/get rest/exercise frequently
-run in more races
-go on an adventurous vacation
-learn guitar
-go on a canoeing/camping trip
-do 3 paintings that are frame-worthy
-read a book a month (minimum)
-and finally, keep maintaining my blog - it's my favourite creative outlet- the art of mixing writing with photography taps into my true self.

Here's to 2007, Cheers!

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