December 13, 2006

Famous Amos

I was introduced to the sweet and smooth stylings of Amos Lee last night at the Commodore Ballroom thanks to a birthday ticket from Nic. I love being in the presence of genuine talent. He is one of those singers that has a fluid soulful vibe who seems to sing effortlessly. We had the amazing good luck of standing right by the front and center of the stage. Despite McDrunky and McRacist on either side of us, it was easy to lose ourselves in the songs. I love the fact that Amos Lee used to be an elementary school teacher and then found his voice. I would have purposely failed grade 2 if this guy had been my teacher. I have to give a shout out to Nic, Pat, Kitty and Kurt for the great concert and introducing me to such a fabulous singer. You can click on the link below if you'd like to see more concert photos. Amos Lee

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