December 30, 2006

A New Year

I always get excited before a new year. It's a wonderful chance for renewal and setting new goals. It's a year of "unknowns" that I can't wait to see unfold. Here are my highlights from 2006 (in no particular order): Sundance Film Festival, Maui, New Orleans, running my first half marathon, buying my first home, having all family & friends healthy, weekend getaways at Whistler & Boyer, finding out my brother & Shannon are going to have a baby, taking photography & creative writing classes, seeing Martin Sexton live in Utah, having my good friends bounce back wonderfully after starting the year in heartbreak.

We're entering the year of '007 - the year of Bond. It's time to toss back a few martinis (shaken, not stirred), drive our cars like they're Aston Martins, and show the world that we've got balls!
Here are my resolutions for 2007 - I thought if I posted them, I'd be on the hook to stick to them.

-build confidence & push through fears (2007 will have big news)
-get something published
-maintain good health - eat right/get rest/exercise frequently
-run in more races
-go on an adventurous vacation
-learn guitar
-go on a canoeing/camping trip
-do 3 paintings that are frame-worthy
-read a book a month (minimum)
-and finally, keep maintaining my blog - it's my favourite creative outlet- the art of mixing writing with photography taps into my true self.

Here's to 2007, Cheers!

December 27, 2006

Good News!!

While celebrating my mom's birthday, my brother and his lovely wife Shannon passed my mom a gift to open - inside was an adorable baby t-shirt with "happy birthday grandma" written on the front. I burst into tears and hugged them - so excited that my baby brother is going to be a dad. It's hard to believe this is the same guy that used to give me face washes or hold my head under water in the tub. I know they are going to be amazing parents. Needless to say, it was a hard act to follow. Watching my mom open the earrings I bought her after she got her "grandma" baby-t was quite funny. I was trying to hype up my gift, "hey mom, did you know the earrings are from France!" I can't wait to meet Greg & Shannon's baby in August. We're all going to spoil him or her with love. I've got my fingers crossed that the baby has Shannon's smile and Greg's white man's 'fro.

Gumption: Courage, spunk and guts. That's what Kitty has in spades. Not only have I been impressed by her resounding resilience over the last challenging year she's faced - I have found her to be one of my most inspiring friends. I couldn't be more proud to find out that she's been promoted to day trader in our glamourous energy biz! She downplays her successes but I am so proud of her. I have witnessed her intellect and resourcefulness first-hand whether it's at work, at home or getting us into Sundance closing parties! Way to go Kitty! We'll definitely plan a night out with Ker and Forbes and treat you to a celebratory dinner

December 17, 2006

Happy Birthday Ker!

I can't walk past the Hamilton Street Grill without thinking of Ker. So, it was only fitting that we all gathered there to celebrate the birthday girl's new year. I knew Ker was a big fan of HSG's warm bread pudding, but it was so cute to actually see her applauding and grinning from ear to ear when it arrived at our table. Her inner little birthday girl was shining through. During our night out, Pepper was keeping the bed warm for Ker & The P back at the hotel's "family suite". I just giggle thinking of Pepper sprawled out on a queen sized bed ordering steak tar tar to the room on the P's credit card.
Kitty and I assumed our usual role of "paparazzi extraordinaire" from our end of the table. Only this time we had a new partner in crime - Dante - Kitty's new charismatic and engaging friend from San Fran. I swear between the three of us there couldn't have been a moment during that night that wasn't captured on film. Brad and Jenn were left in more peace than our poor friends were that evening. Our lenses definitely captured the warm and fuzzy glances taking place between ker & the P.....and Forbes and JT.....and Forbes and Kitty (just kidding). It was a wonderful evening of great food, absolut-ly fabulous drinks, and hilarious conversation - burgers vs the buns! Ker looked radiant and I hope she enjoyed her special night. Here's hoping 2007 brings a bundle of great things her way!
More Pix From Ker's Bday

December 13, 2006

Famous Amos

I was introduced to the sweet and smooth stylings of Amos Lee last night at the Commodore Ballroom thanks to a birthday ticket from Nic. I love being in the presence of genuine talent. He is one of those singers that has a fluid soulful vibe who seems to sing effortlessly. We had the amazing good luck of standing right by the front and center of the stage. Despite McDrunky and McRacist on either side of us, it was easy to lose ourselves in the songs. I love the fact that Amos Lee used to be an elementary school teacher and then found his voice. I would have purposely failed grade 2 if this guy had been my teacher. I have to give a shout out to Nic, Pat, Kitty and Kurt for the great concert and introducing me to such a fabulous singer. You can click on the link below if you'd like to see more concert photos. Amos Lee

December 11, 2006

New Christmas Present....

This year I received my first Digital Camera. I am so excited to have my gift a little early to document the Christmas holidays. Thank you Smiley! There sure is something to be said about feeling like a kid when you get a new toy. I'm downright giddy knowing that I have a few days off to play with my new little camera. I've always had a film camera and have been one of those geeks who develops all their holiday photos the first day back from a trip, simply because I cannot wait to see how they turn out. Okay, that may not be the only reason I'm a geek. I just know I'm going to drive my friends nuts with this. They are going to feel like they're hanging with the paparazzi. The dog and cat are already letting out big sighs when they see my lunging for my camera. Check back in a week and I'll post my week in images. Say Cheese(ball)!