April 30, 2007

catch this guy: Martin Sexton

If you ever come across Martin Sexton in your local concert listings, I highly recommend you check out his show. I remember when I first saw him perform at a tiny club nestled in Park City, Utah at last year's Sundance Film Festival. The snow was falling outside and we were all huddled together, waiting for him to hit the stage. I had no idea what to expect, I had never heard of Martin Sexton before. As soon as he started playing I was hooked. His soulful voice and amazing vocal range sent goosebumps rippling across my arms. I couldn't believe that I hadn't heard of this immensely talented singer before. He had the stage presence of Jack Black, but the beautiful soul of Grant Lee Buffalo. We were fortunate enough to catch him again in Seattle at the Showbox on April 19th. He did not disappoint. Backed up by a band this time, his show had more of an O Brother, Where Art Thou feel to it - a real southern swamp kind of sound. I love the fact that he partnered up with Clif Bar to make his tour "green." His tour bus is filled with biodiesel, his tour shirts are made from organic cotton, he only eats organic food back stage - he's paving the way for bands to make a lighter imprint.
I am a bit of a purist and prefer the show where it was just Martin and his guitar in Utah -it is truly the best way to showcase his vocal range. Maybe I have a soft spot because we were lucky enough to run into him at the grocery store in Utah, where we got to thank him in person for his great show. I still giggle when I think of how People Magazine takes photos of celebrities with captions reading, "they buy groceries, just like us." He's a down-to-earth kind of guy and once you check him out while his "church" is in session, you too will be a believer.

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