September 10, 2006

The Launch

There's something so exciting about starting something new. Whether it's a new season, a new place to see, a new friend or a new project -I definitely get energized by new experiences . Inpired after seeing my friend Kitty's blog, I decided to launch one of my own. Any creative project that combines my passion for photography and writing is definitely up my alley (or down my alley?) - something involving my alley. One thing I know for sure is that life is a big unpredictable adventure. With this blog, I hope to capture the funny little moments that happen along the road. More importantly, I want to showcase all the wonderful people that I meet along the way.


curious cat said...

i'm so proud of you. now you will have an open forum to express your lovely self. this will be the stepping stone and sooner rather then later, you'll branch off to writing your very first book or screen play...;)


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful beginning for your talented writing and photography!!! I know one day I will treasure my signed copy of your first book. Your journey has just begun!

Luv AA

Anonymous said...

girl....i loved your first blog bitchfest writing! I amost pissed my pants. You know i love you too much!!! Forbes xoxoxooxoxox

dickster said...

I came here to read your beautiful words about Scott and found myself lost in your writings and pictures... great stuff. FYI, I just announced I am writing a book... I figured if I announced it, the pressure will stay on to actually do it. Anyway, it's science fiction, takes place in the future. I'm in it for the money, you know, movie rights, action figures, lunch kits, video games etc. Now you, could really write a meaningful book, so start hatching some ideas! As we say in Canada, "It's right up your lane"!