September 14, 2006


Eager to visit the shorter half of our gang, Forbes and I hit the road for a much needed bitchfest in Seattle. In our usual fashion, I grabbed the wheel while Forbes kicked back for a titch of a kipper while we headed down the highway(looking for adventure). I teased her on the drive down with her frequency of "I miss you, do you miss me?" phone calls to J. But, seeing someone you care about giggle and smile so much in the throws of new-found love is a wonderful thing. I am thankful to Starbucks, the makers of doubleshot espresso for getting me to Seattle with energy to spare. Shortly after arriving, Forbes and I ran through the streets of Kirkland for a "light jog" that quickly turned into the hill training of our lives. At one point we were running on our tippie toes up a street that became our personal Mt. Everest. I scanned the surrounds for a sherpa to carry me up. We laughed as we got to the top of the hill, only to be greeted by a series of uphill climbs. I think our route should have been called, "so you think you can jog."

After ordering in some tasty grits, Ker, Barb, Kim, Becky, Kitty, Forbes and I climbed into two cars and headed into town for the "So You Think You Can Dance" live show. Mental note: next time Kitty is not allowed to play India Arie before an outing. Aside from the throngs of screaming tweens and row "Z" seats, I thoroughly enjoyed the show and was thrilled to share my passion of dance with my dear friends. I am blown away and inspired by the talent of these incredible dancers. I am sure at some points Forbes was waiting for the puck to drop, but I am glad that these good sports came to the show with me.

Kitty and I chatted into the wee hours of the night - I always welcome her advice, and happily found out it all starts with a good pair of jeans. In a dead slumber, we were awoken in the morning by a well-rested Forbes who decided to swan-dive onto the bed inbetween us, knocking the bed off it's hinges. I think my old ticker almost stopped for a moment.

Ker surprised us with an impromptu tour of the puget trade floor, with Forbes and I looking our best - I am sure David Mills was impressed by my grease-slicked hair and Forbes' third day of unwashed "tousled" locks. He must wonder if Vancouverites ever shower.
My favourite part of the visit would have to be when the four of us are just sitting on the floor of Kitty's room, catching up. My spirit is always rejuvenated after a quick bitchfest - I equate it to how I feel after a hike in the great outdoors: inspired, centered and taken aback by the beauty of it all.

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