January 11, 2008

A new year

These are the most significant images for me from 2007. My heart was taken to the greatest heights and the deepest sorrow in 365 short days. With the births of Jack Bland and Josh Chalmers-We, the world is undoubtedly a better place. I can't wait to watch them as they make their marks, step by step. Of course, life also has a way of throwing you curveballs, moments that are so enormous and life-changing that your world is never the same. September 23, 2007 will never be forgotten. It was the worst phone call of our lives and in the blink of an eye, one of our best friends was gone. Flying to Africa, a few short days later, for a trip I had dreamt of since I was a little girl, suddenly felt entirely wrong. I wanted to grieve and be surrounded by our network of friends and family. But now I suspect Africa was my place of healing. There's something that happens to the spirit as elephants, giraffes and zebras stroll by you set against the backdrop of the Serengeti. A fire erupts in your belly as you fall asleep in a tent to the sounds of roaring lions on the other side of very thin canvas. Your heart is taken to new levels when a classroom of African children sing happy birthday or write you love letters. Scotty's death has changed my outlook on life. I know that I was the luckiest woman because I got to hug him and kiss his cheek and tell him I loved him a few hours before he died. Life is fragile. Moments have to be counted.
My sweet friend Cathy has called 2008 the "year of the birth". It is the year for new beginnings, new adventures, new chances. The only resolution I have is that everyone I know and love has a happy and healthy year, follows their hearts and lives life as big as they can.

1 comment:

curious cat said...

girl...you were born to write!
