November 23, 2007


I just finished watching a wonderful film called Paris, je t'aime. It's a series of short films about little moments captured in the different quarters of Paris. I loved the fact that each writer/director found a unique way to capture a slice of life set against the unifying backdrop of Paris. It just goes to show you that for each individual, inspiration comes in many translations.

I feel lucky lately -somehow I've come across the right mix of circumstances to draw a lot of inspiration from.

For me, it all starts with a great cup of coffee - rich in aroma, awakening the senses, warming the belly. It commands your attention and needs to be shared; shared with a great book, shared with the morning paper, shared with a gathering of friends, shared with sweat while writing a late night essay.

It's the joy of finding a wonderful book. You want to carry it with you everywhere to read in stolen moments. You want to dive into it, consuming every page with great fervor and yet you don't want it to end. It wakes up your imagination and puts you in the directors chair, conjuring images frame by frame.

Inspiration comes from a film that stays with me long after the final credits roll. One that makes me look at life with a fresh new take. One that makes me laugh out loud, one that makes me want to run out and tell everyone about it, one that provokes my comfort zone, one that makes me go into the ugly cry, one that I can't forget. Paris je t'aime inspired me to write this mini essay because it reminded me why I always walk away feeling so enriched by foreign films. The storytelling isn't formulaic. It is a celebration of quiet moments, flawed characters, paired nicely with a glass of ruby red wine and the right piece of cheese.

As I grow older, I am finding inspiration in food. Ever since joining the yaya sisters at work, and being treated monthly to ush and lynny's gourmet cooking, I see the art in their creations. This is a big change for a girl who can get lost in a White Spot veggie burger. I love watching the effort that goes into planning a beautiful meal. The kitchen conversations, the thoughtful addition or omission of ingredients, the taste testing, the dizzying arrangement of colours and blending of spices. I hope to learn from these women so one day I can treat my friends and family to the same wonderful cuisine.

I am inspired to be in a room full of friends or family, which really are one and the same. After losing my beloved friend Scott a short few months ago, I have come to appreciate every moment with loved ones. There is tangible energy in a room buzzing with conversation, big laughs and real hugs. I like to be in the moment, look around me and mentally release the shutter, to capture the image. How did I get so lucky to have found so many quality people?

Of course, nothing can compete for my inspiration's attention like nature. It is the greatest piece of artwork that offers up the biggest spiritual payoff. It is the vastness of a hike through the mountains, the serenity of a quiet paddle down a meandering river, the pure pleasure of photographing animals in their natural environment, the perspective reminder you get from falling asleep under the stars, the hidden beauty of snorkelling through pristine turqoise water, the joy of watching your garden push through the soil, the cozy pleasure derived from being under a blanket indoors while a symphany of sound erupts from the perfect storm. It is dew on a blade of grass, fog blanketing a farmer's field, waves pummelling themselves against a rocky shore, sunshine warming your face.
It is the simplest things where the greatest joy can be found; starting a new journal, my dog licking my face, riding my bike down a hill, finding a new song that I can't get enough of, holding a baby, taking a photo that totally captures the moment right, yoga, dancing, making people laugh, swimming, a hot shower with substantial water pressure. Gestures. As I grow older, gestures mean the most. People can talk up a storm, but it's through gestures that they show you who they are and show you love. It's little things like how Smiley will drive out of his way to drop me off at work, how he will cook me my favourite meal if i've had a long day. It's his way of putting the coffee on early so it's made when I wake up. It's countless little surprises that make their way into our days - look for them because I have a feeling, when all is said and done, it's the littlest things that will mean the most.

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