February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!

This is a photo of Molly at 3 months old. That's right, I'm pulling out the cliche baby animal photo to tug at the heartstrings. It's quite funny that I am writing a Valentine's Day entry since I am one of the few people who considers Valentine's Day to be a contrived event where Hallmark, Florists and Purdy's Chocolates executives sit together in a giant boardroom laughing and high-fiving one another as they count their stacks of money. Don't get me wrong, I am a romantic at heart. I just find it funny when I think of scenarios like the following: "What do you mean your restaurant is fully reserved? My wife is going to kill me! Doesn't that mean anything to you? Can't you squeeze in a small table for two somewhere? Damn you! You're ruining me! I have to be romantic today!" so, the customer opts for plan B and runs to the florist. "What do you mean you're sold out of roses! Carnations? Are you kidding me? My wife thinks carnations are for teenagers who just don't know better! Are you trying to ruin me?"
But I do want to take this opportunity to talk a little about love. I think love shows up in your life in all shapes and forms. Out of total gratitude, I just wanted to write down some examples of what love means to me because I have been fortunate to feel love so profoundly in my life:
-feeling lit up inside just because you're around someone
-making someone laugh
-seeing a child's face light up when they see you
-holding hands
-my 95 year old grandma's baking
-listening to molly snore
-cooper falling asleep on my stomach
-laughing so hard you have tears rolling down your cheeks
-getting all the girls together for a glass of wine or a cup of tea
-writing a letter
-homemade cards
-falling asleep in a tent (makes me feel like a kid)
-riding my bike (makes me feel like a kid)
-watching two seniors walking hand in hand
-taking photos of landscapes or animals (pure candidness)
-working on my home
-finding a new song that I connect with
-family dinners
-Smiley making me coffee before he goes to work
So, that's my Valentine's Day sentiment. It's not the big sweeping gestures that make impacts on me. It's really the little moments in life that fill my heart. xoxoxox

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