January 01, 2010

Happy New Year!

2010 has a nice ring to it. It has 5 rings to it if you live in our beautiful city of Vancouver. I'm excited to see what the new year will bring. Always topping the list is that the year brings great health and happiness to all I know and love. And now, more than ever, I want this to be the year of adventure.
Here's my mini list of resolutions for 2010:
-be true to myself-let happiness guide me
-go on an adventurous/active holiday to somewhere I've never been before
-be a conscious consumer - remember to buy local, use cloth bags and support small businesses, take any steps I can to reduce my carbon footprint
-get in great shape - keep up with yoga/running/spinning
-improve my photo skills-take another photo class
-spend a lot of time with friends/family
-read a book a month
-find some great new dining spots
-explore BC's great outdoors by trying new hikes/new paddling spots/new weekend getaways
-do what I can to kick shyness to the curb

Basically the overall goal is to make the year count. As we all know, it's not the years in our life that counts, it's the life we put in our years.

Top 10 photos of 2009

Here's a little sample of my favourite photos of the year. In 2009 my love affair with photography exploded. I am happiest when my camera is in my hands because it means i'm feeling inspired and living in the moment. For various reasons these images capture great memories for me. I hope you enjoy them too.

top 10 pix of the year