November 27, 2009

October 04, 2009

back to basics

Less is more. I'm not sure if it's recession fallout or simply part of aging, but I find myself gravitating towards all that is pure and simple. Maybe it's backlash from the media's obsessive elevation of society's drain hair to "superstar" status for doing nothing: John and Kate plus hate, Loser Lohan, the "real" housewives of H.O. Why is superficial drama the new reality?
I'm on a back-to -basics pilgrimage (without the bottled holy water): Shopping at local farms, cooking with fresh ingredients, themed pot lucks with friends, drinking wine by the fire (even if it's electric), watching bands perform (who actually write their own music), riding bikes like kids (fast and frenzied), running (somewhat fast?), digging in the garden, yoga, great books, photographing everything, movies and shows with refreshingly original writing, travelling (near and far), a great cup of joe, laughing with friends (not via a texted LOL) - pure, organic moments. Is this a midlife crisis (without the supercool car?)

September 26, 2009

August 03, 2009

a few more favourite photos from this year...

the return of the blog

I can't believe it's been almost a year since I've updated this blog. I'm excited to start it up again. I've missed writing. For the past year, writing has definitely taken a backseat to photography. I've just fallen head over heels in love with photography. Thanks to digital cameras, photography is such an accessible and instant art form. These are some of my favourite images from the past year. I just love the character in these faces, and love these characters.