May 21, 2007

going to extremes

Forbes and I headed down to Seattle for another dose of facetime with Kitty. Shortly after arriving, the whirlwind that is Kitty had us on the move. We tossed on our workout gear and headed for our first hot yoga class. Forbes giggled when she saw me in my workout clothes, and said, "kel, wait til you see what I packed." Without a moment's hesitation, she walked out of the bathroom wearing the same outfit. We both had packed our old volleyball jerseys and looked like doublemint nerds. Kitty was a fabulous sport for taking us to a place she frequents. I'm sure people thought we were her Swedish volleyball team billets. The class was amazing. I am hooked on hot yoga. I never thought I'd like it - the thought of working out in sauna-degree heat seemed like a nausea-inducing concept to me. I loved doing the Hatha yoga flow with sweat dripping all over me. It just made me feel so strong (and smell strong, I'm sure).
On Saturday Kitty's friend Duncan took us out on his boat around Lake Washington. I was totally inspired listening to the stories Duncan, Scott and Katie told of their mountaineering trips. This is a group of hard core athletes. I am so glad Kitty befriended such a great group in Seattle. Smiley and I always wanted to find more friends who were gung ho to really experience the great outdoors in Vancouver. It was awesome to hear from a group who frequently got together to create their own adventures. Watching Duncan on the wakeboard was incredible. He was doing flips and riding the waves like a pro. We were giggling at how Kitty was trying to learn his hand gestures while she drove the boat. He would give her a gesture wanting her to take the boat on a 270 degree turn and she was clearly only doing a 147 degree spin. We were laughing that she'd need a protractor to figure out some of his signals. Duncan laughed at Forbes and I, the Canadian girls, huddled under a steady layer of fleece, towels and blankets -the hot yoga must have messed with our great white north thermometers. On Sunday we dashed to another hot yoga class - feeling ever-so-professional and looking again, like uber dorks in our matching volleyball jerseys. After the class of swass, Kitty whisked us to a funky brunch spot - sans showers. I swear the patrons could smell us coming from a mile away. We all left wet blotches on our chairs when we finished our meals. Swassy and classy - that's us.
I always feel like I've gone away to a great spa for the weekend when I have quality time with the girls - my sides hurt from laughing so much and I feel rejuventated from all the adventures and great conversations. More Pix: seattle trip

May 13, 2007

Hiking The Chief

In my books, there's nothing better than spending our spare time hiking in the great outdoors on a gorgeous sunny day like this. Great exercise, spectacular views, fresh air and a sense of accomplishment - it doesn't get much better than this. How lucky are we to live in such a beautiful province? For more photos of our day climbing the Chief, click here: The Chief